Welcome to ARCAS

Organizations are buffeted by a wide range of disturbances that challenge their effectiveness and, although theory suggests some features that may aid organizational adaptation, it is underspecified with respect to how adaptation as a dynamic multilevel process actually occurs. The ARCAS project is a three-phase research effort, executed over five years, employing computational modeling (CM) methodology. It (a) integrates network concepts to enable direct modeling of the multilevel process dynamics of adaptation in complex systems, (b) conceptualizes system disturbances for precise experimentation, and (c) examines how core process mechanisms shape adaptation processes in team-based, complex systems. Virtual experiments will be conducted to examine the effects of core process mechanisms on adaptation dynamics and their effectiveness that span system levels. Key insights and foundational theory principles focused on team and system design, leadership, and adaptive architectures will be compiled from research findings.

Kozlowski, S. W. J. (PI), Chao, G. T. (Co-PI), Braun, M. T. (Co-I), Grand, J. A. (Co-I), & Kuljanin, G. (Co-I). Adaptation dynamics in team systems: A multilevel process-oriented computational modeling paradigm. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (W911NF2210005). January 2022 to January 2027 [$1,362,799 total costs].